Avian Influenza

If you suspect your flock is infected with Avian Influenza:
- Report any increased mortality to Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services - call 540-209-9120
- Please be prepared to provide your contact information, size of flock, location, and concerns. Do not take dead or sick birds to a lab to be tested to move them off-site.
- Avoid wild waterfowl and their waste can carry diseases like HPAI
- If your existing birds show signs of disease, separate them from the others immediately to reduce the risk of spread. Keep in mind that chickens will hide signs of disease when they can, so once they do show signs, the disease is likely in the later stages and very serious.
For more information on HPAI and biosecurity measures, contact your Extension agent
Accomack: Theresa Pittman tpittman@vt.edu; 757-787-1361
Northampton: Helene Doughty hdoughty@vt.edu; 757-999-0780